
About us


The Stories Unveiled Conference was designed to break down the walls around our stories and create a place for women to share their lives and how God has redeemed the broken pieces. 

IN 2017 the vision for this organization became a reality.

After coming out of a terrible season in her marriage, Ashley Sears and her husband embarked on a journey to finding out what it looked like to live more vulnerably. Ashley grew up in the Church… She had a relationship with God, but became proficient at wearing the Christian mask. After learning about her husband’s pornography addiction, a battle he had been fighting for years, she decided she didn’t want to live with this mask any longer… she had a holy discontent for the “perfectly put together” Christians. She no longer wanted to be that believer that walked through the doors on Sunday mornings pretending they had it all together. God laid on her and her husband’s heart to step out of fear and start sharing their story. As the organization grew, the women that wanted to live unveiled grew as well. Today, Ashley hosts events to give women a platform to share their stories of redemption and hope. She also coaches one-on-one to help women walk through finding purpose in their pain and living in freedom from their past.
Learn more about Ashley's story HERE

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